Mariniertes Hähnchenoberschenkelfleisch auf Schaschlik Spieß

Marinated chicken thigh meat on shashlik skewer

Today we're trying out our own new creation on shashlik skewers. It's simply marinated chicken thigh meat and has the advantage that it always stays nice and juicy. It's served with grilled vegetables on the skewer. So! Let's get started.

And this is what we need:

1000 grams chicken thigh meat
6 shashlik skewers
4 garlic cloves
3 limes
something olive oil
something Parsley
2 French tomatoes
200 grams mushrooms
1 aubergine
1 onion
Something salt and pepper


As always, preparation is everything to ensure the end result is good. The day before we grill, we marinate the chicken in a delicious marinade. The marinade consists of parsley, chopped garlic, olive oil and freshly squeezed lime. We put it all together in a bowl and mix it thoroughly. Now we take the chicken out of the packaging and wash it, remove the excess tendons and cut it into wide strips. To ensure that the marinade reaches every pore, we lay the meat layer by layer in a container and add a little of the marinade to each layer. The container goes in the fridge overnight.

Little tip: Acids make the meat nice and tender and give it that certain kick.

Prepare the skewers

The shashlik skewers are cleaned and ready to go and the marinated chicken thigh meat is taken out of the fridge. Skewering them is very easy. We take each piece of meat out of the container individually and simply skewer it. You can see the finished shashlik skewers below:

To round things off:

To round it all off, we want to grill vegetables using the unused skewers. The vegetables are simply cut into slices and then draped on the skewers.

Now the fun can begin, the marinated chicken and vegetables are prepared. The grill is heated up, today we are using a classic charcoal grill. When we have reached the right heat, we now place the meat, vegetable and chicken thigh skewers on the grill. The result not only looks fantastic but also tastes excellent. So have fun trying it out.

Your Engels Kitchen and BBQ Team

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The vegetables are simply cut into slices
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Now the fun can begin
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